Wylye Down field system 29833_034Iron Age or Romano British field system earthwork on Wylye Down, Wiltshire, 2016
Fyfield Down 29633_001Fyfield Down, Wiltshire, 2015. Prehistoric to post-medieval settlement, cultivation, industrial and funerary remains. SU1371
Kingston Maurward watermeadows 29551_031Kingston Maurward, Dorset, 2015. Water meadows along the River Frome
Strip fields MCF01_02_0966WEST STREET, CORFE CASTLE, PURBECK, DORSET. A man with a pair of horses ploughing a field with Corfe Castle in the distance
Fyfield Down 33416_023Field system earthwork, strip lynchet earthwork and the Giants Grave Long Barrow on Fyfield Down, Wiltshire, 2017
Housesteads 34059_041Housesteads (VIRCOVICIUM) Roman fort, Hadrians Wall, Northumberland, 2018
Willowford camp 33031_036Willowford Roman temporary camp, Cumbria, 2017
Field system JEH_22064_010Pertwood Down, Monkton Deverill, Wiltshire, 1971. Earthwork remains of an Iron Age or Romano British field system. ST8737
Fyfield Down 29633_053Fyfield Down, Wiltshire, 2015. Prehistoric to post-medieval settlement, cultivation, industrial and funerary remains. SU1371
Kingston Maurward watermeadows 29551_028Kingston Maurward, Dorset, 2015. Water meadows along the River Frome