Mrs Cosway 6B_PAL_1789_aSchomberg House, 80-82 Pall Mall, London. An engraving showing the view from Mr Cosways Breakfast-Room at Schomberg House, looking towards Westminster Abbey, with Mrs Cosway seated in the foreground
Feathers Boat House OFH01_01_01_f09_01Feathers Boat House, Wandsworth, Wandsworth, Greater London. The Feathers Boat House, also known as The Feathers Tavern, seen across the canal running parrallel to the River Wandle
Putney High Street OFH01_01_01_f05_06PUTNEY HIGH STREET, PUTNEY, WANDSWORTH, GREATER LONDON. The view from Putney Bridge looking along Putney High Street with St Mary's Church in the left foreground
Wandsworth OFH01_01_02_031Wandsworth High Street, Wandsworth, Wandsworth, Greater London. The view looking east along Wandsworth High Street with the Rose and Crown public house in the left foreground
Piccadilly Circus WES01_01_09PICCADILLY CIRCUS, CITY OF WESTMINSTER, GREATER LONDON. An elevated view looking across Piccadilly Circus towards the London Pavilion, with motor cars
Piccadilly Circus WES01_01_08PICCADILLY CIRCUS, CITY OF WESTMINSTER, GREATER LONDON. An elevated view looking across Piccadilly Circus towards the London Pavilion, with motor cars
Regent Street WES01_01_07Regent Street, City of Westminster, Greater London. A busy scene on Regent Street, looking towards the Peter Robinson department store, with motor cars
Oxford Circus WES01_01_03OXFORD CIRCUS, CITY OF WESTMINSTER, GREATER LONDON. A view of Oxford Circus, showing LGOC B type omnibuses and pedestrians
Fireworks P_C00431_007CITY OF WESTMINSTER, GREATER LONDON. Fireworks over the River Thames to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, with the faces of Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip
Cascades DP183749Cascades, Westferry Road, Isle of Dogs, Tower Hamlets, Greater London. General view of the tower block from the west, showing its relationship to adjacent towers and the river Thames
Lace advertisement 8E_STR_1820392 The Strand, London. An engraving dated 1820 showing the elevation of 392 Strand, premises of Urlings Lace. The engraving was produced as an advertisement for G F Urling and Company
Piccadilly in 1830 5D_PIC_1830Piccadilly, London. An engraving showing Piccadilly from Coventry Street with Tichborne Street visible to the right. Coloured engraving from the Mayson Beeton Collection
London Female Mission 65A_LON_1830Probationary House Of The London Female Mission, 57 White Lion Street, Islington, London. An engraving showing women hanging washing on the line in the courtyard at the rear, circa 1836
Procession on the Strand 8E_STR_1863_aTemple Bar, Strand, London. An engraving showing crowds gathered to see the Princess Alexandra in a procession along the Strand upon returning from the City beneath Temple Bar
Pall Mall 6B_PAL_1822Pall Mall, London. An engraving showing the view along Pall Mall with the ionic screen fronting Carlton House in the right hand foreground and the spire of St Martin in the Fields in the distance