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Roman legionary soldier IC048_145Reconstruction drawing by Nick Hardcastle depicting a Roman legionary soldier stationed at Hadrians Wall in about 120AD, with a section of the wall being constructed in the background
Shrine at Nornour, Isles of Scilly J010101ISLES OF SCILLY. Reconstruction drawing of the Romano-British shrine at Nornour prehistoric site in 200 AD by Peter Dunn (English Heritage Graphics Team). Shrine in house number 1
Hadrians Wall J940488HADRIANs WALL: WALLTOWN CRAGS, Northumberland. Reconstruction drawing by Alan Sorrell. hadrian
Housesteads Roman Fort J930498HADRIANs WALL, HOUSESTEADS ROMAN FORT, Northumberland. Reconstruction drawing by Alan SORRELL
Lullingstone Roman Villa J910044LULLINGSTONE ROMAN VILLA, Kent. Reconstruction drawing by Alan Sorrell depicting the possible appearance of the villa c. AD 360, with the temple mausoleum in the background
Great Witcombe Roman Villa N080253GREAT WITCOMBE ROMAN VILLA, Gloucestershire. Reconstruction drawing by Ivan Lapper showing the Roman Villa built in c.AD 250
Roman latrine J000112HADRIANs WALL: HOUSESTEADS ROMAN FORT (VERCOVICIUM), Northumberland. A reconstruction drawing of the interior of the latrines by Philip Corke. hadrian
Chesters Roman Fort J900485HADRIANs WALL: CHESTERS ROMAN FORT, Northumberland. Reconstruction drawing of aerial view of fort by Alan Sorrell
Wroxeter Roman City J900036WROXETER ROMAN CITY, Shropshire. Reconstruction drawing by Ivan Lapper. The baths complex as it may have appeared in the 5th century after the baths had gone out of use
Rural landscape J910033Reconstruction drawing of imaginary rural landscape, AD 200 Romano-British by Judith Dobie, English Heritage Graphics Team. Farming
Whitley Castle Roman Fort IC240_001A reconstruction drawing, by Judith Dobie, showing an aerial view of Whitley Castle Roman Fort (Epiacum) and the surrounding area as it may have appeared from the south-west in the 2nd century AD
Building Hadrians Wall IC048_001HADRIANs WALL, Cumbria. Reconstruction drawing by Philip Corke showing the construction of Hadrians Wall to the immediate west of Banks East Turret (Turret 52a), in the early second century AD
Birdoswald Roman Fort J050052HADRIANs WALL: BIRDOSWALD ROMAN FORT, Cumbria. Aerial view reconstruction drawing by Philip Corke of the fort in c.200 AD
Housesteads Roman Fort J000110HADRIANs WALL: HOUSESTEADS ROMAN FORT (VERCOVICIUM), Northumberland. Aerial view reconstruction drawing by Philip Corke
Hadrians Wall Cawfields Milecastle J980019HADRIANs WALL: CAWFIELDS, Northumberland. Cawfields Milecastle reconstruction drawing by Philip Corke. hadrian
Hadrians Wall Winshields Milecastle N980002HADRIANs WALL: WINSHIELDS MILECASTLE, Northumberland. Aerial reconstruction of the milecastle in the snow by Philip Corke. hadrian
Silchester Roman City Amphitheatre N080914SILCHESTER ROMAN CITY WALLS, Hampshire. Reconstruction drawing by Peter Urmston showing spectators arriving at the amphitheatre for a gladiatorial contest c.250 AD, seen from the south
Silchester Roman City Walls J950064SILCHESTER ROMAN CITY WALLS, Hampshire. Reconstruction drawing by Ivan Lapper. Aerial drawing of the north gate, 3rd century AD, with traders outside
Roman street scene J970017WALL ROMAN SITE (LETOCETUM), Staffordshire. Reconstruction drawing by Ivan Lapper. View of the market place in the 2nd century
Iron Age farming J950067SILCHESTER ROMAN CITY WALLS, Hampshire. Reconstruction drawing by Ivan Lapper
Silchester Roman City Walls J950063SILCHESTER ROMAN CITY WALLS, Hampshire. Aerial reconstruction drawing by Ivan Lapper. 3rd century AD
Roman York J920330YORK, North Yorkshire, c.210 AD. Aerial reconstruction drawing by Tracy Croft, English Heritage Graphics Team
Portchester Castle J900007PORTCHESTER CASTLE, Hampshire. Reconstruction drawing of the Roman fort in AD 345 by Peter Dunn, English Heritage Graphics Team
Birdoswald Roman Fort J050055HADRIANs WALL: BIRDOSWALD ROMAN FORT. Reconstruction drawing of the granaries in the mid 3rd century AD. hadrian
Roman infantry practising combat J050053HADRIANs WALL: BIRDOSWALD ROMAN FORT, Cumbria. Reconstruction drawing by Philip Corke of Roman auxiliary infantry practising combat in the Drill Hall. hadrian
Segedunum Roman Fort J960244HADRIANs WALL, Wallsend, Tyne and Wear. Segedunum Roman Fort. An aerial view reconstruction drawing by Peter Dunn, English Heritage Graphics Team. hadrian
Roman Richborough IC084_007Reconstruction drawing by Ivan Lapper showing soldiers marching from the barracks in the bridgehead fort at the Roman town of Richborough in Kent, as it may have looked in about AD250
Roman soldiers training IC084_003Reconstruction drawing by Ivan Lapper showing Roman soldiers with practice shields and swords being put through a training session near a forge within Richborough Roman Fort, Kent
Gargrave Roman Villa IC042_001Reconstruction drawing, by Judith Dobie, showing Gargrave Roman Villa, also known as Kirk Sink Roman Villa, and its associated buildings and landscape
Roman soldiers IC048 / 026Hadrians Wall. Reconstruction line drawing of four soldiers in full uniform. Attributed to Philip Corke. c.1985 - c.2000. hadrian
Harrows Scar, Cumbria J940482HADRIANs WALL: HARROWs SCAR, Cumbria. Reconstruction drawing by Alan SORRELL
The forum at Wroxeter J980160WROXETER ROMAN CITY, Shropshire. Aerial reconstruction of the forum as it may have looked by Ivan LAPPER
Baths basilica, Wroxeter Roman City J980154WROXETER ROMAN CITY, Shropshire. Reconstruction drawing of the interior of the baths basilica by Ivan LAPPER
Wroxeter Roman City J900034WROXETER ROMAN CITY, Shropshire. Aerial reconstruction drawing of the city as it may have appeared in early 3rd century by Ivan Lapper
Hadrians Wall: Brunton Turret J880257HADRIANs WALL: BRUNTON TURRET, Northumberland. Reconstruction drawing by Frank Gardiner (English Heritage Graphics Team)
Birdoswald Roman Fort J050054HADRIANs WALL: BIRDOSWALD ROMAN FORT, Cumbria. Reconstruction drawing by Philip Corke of the main West gate in the mid 3rd century AD
Chester Roman Amphitheatre J040018CHESTER ROMAN AMPHITHEATRE, Cheshire. Aerial view reconstruction drawing by Peter Dunn (English Heritage Graphics Team) of the amphitheatre in c.100 AD
Roman York J920417YORK, North Yorkshire. Aerial reconstruction drawing showing Roman York. Construction of interval tower c.210AD by Tracey Croft
Hadrians Wall Banks East Turret J980129HADRIANs WALL: BANKS EAST TURRET, Cumbria. Cutaway reconstruction drawing by Philip Corke
Hadrians Wall: Banks East Turret J860093HADRIANs WALL: BANKS EAST TURRET, Cumbria. Turret 52A and turf wall. Reconstruction drawing by Frank Gardiner (English Heritage Graphics Team)
Lullingstone Roman Villa N000046LULLINGSTONE ROMAN VILLA, Kent. Cutaway reconstruction drawing of interior by Peter Dunn (English Heritage Graphics Team)
Roman galley N100094PORTCHESTER CASTLE, Hampshire
At the Butchers Shop J950299" At the Butchers Shop". Reconstruction drawing by Judith Dobie (English Heritage Graphics Team). Roman period
Roman soldier J870380MAIDEN CASTLE, Dorset. Reconstruction drawing of Roman soldier by Paul Birkbeck
Birdoswald Roman Fort J050056HADRIANs WALL: BIRDOSWALD ROMAN FORT, Cumbria. Reconstruction drawing by Philip Corke of the timber building on the site of the North granary. hadrian
Turret 36b Housesteads Roman Fort J000118HADRIANs WALL: HOUSESTEADS ROMAN FORT (VERCOVICIUM), Northumberland. Reconstruction drawing of Turret 36b by Philip Corke. hadrian
Roman soldiers N880021HADRIANs WALL, Northumberland. Reconstruction drawings by Frank Gardiner (English Heritage Graphics Team) showing Roman soldiers along the wall relaxing around a camp fire
Silchester Roman City J950068SILCHESTER ROMAN CITY WALLS, Hampshire. Reconstruction drawing of the Forum by Ivan Lapper
Roman Gladiators J950069SILCHESTER ROMAN CITY WALLS AND AMPHITHEATRE, Hampshire. Gladiators. Reconstruction drawing by Ivan Lapper
Roman signal station, Scarborough J000083SCARBOROUGH CASTLE, North Yorkshire. Reconstruction drawing of the Roman signal station by Ivan Lapper
Richborough Roman Fort J980020RICHBOROUGH ROMAN FORT, Kent. Aerial reconstruction drawing by Ivan Lapper of middle Roman fort - 2nd stage showing port and ceremonial arch
Wroxeter Roman City J900404WROXETER ROMAN CITY, Shropshire. Reconstruction drawing by Ivan Lapper. Street scene outside market hall (macellum) Forum opposite
York Roman Basilica J960245YORK ROMAN BASILICA, Yorkshire. Reconstruction drawing by Peter Dunn (English Heritage Graphics Team)
Lullingstone Roman Villa J000134LULLINGSTONE ROMAN VILLA, Kent. Cutaway reconstruction drawing of the chapel & cellar in the late 4th century AD, by Peter Dunn (English Heritage Graphics Team)
Housesteads Roman Fort J000120HADRIANs WALL, HOUSESTEADS ROMAN FORT (VERCOVICIUM) Reconstruction drawing of the Hospital in the 2nd century AD by Philip Corke. hadrian
Housesteads Roman Fort J000113HADRIANs WALL: HOUSESTEADS ROMAN FORT (VERCOVICIUM), Northumberland. A reconstruction drawing of the east gate (porta praetoria) by Philip Corke. hadrian
Brougham Roman Cemetery J040001BROUGHAM ROMAN CEMETERY, Cumbria. Reconstruction drawing by Judith Dobie depicting a funeral procession to a pyre during a cremation ceremony in the 3rd century AD
Inscribing a tablet IC048 / 064Hadrians Wall. Reconstruction line drawing of a second-century Roman stonemason at work, creating an inscribed tablet. Based on tjhe tablet set into the wall of Coesike Turret. Drawn by Philip Corke
We built this IC048 / 063Hadrians Wall. Reconstruction line drawing of two second-century Roman soldiers or Romano-British workers standing beside an inscribed building stone
Life inside a turret IC048 / 059Hadrians Wall. Reconstruction line drawing of second or third century Roman soldiers off-duty at a turret. Based on one of the chambers in Brunton Turret. Drawn by Philip Corke. c.1985 - c.2000
Sentry duty IC048 / 058Hadrians Wall. Reconstruction line drawing of two Roman soldiers in front of a typical gateway on Hadrians Wall. Baed on Grindon Milecastle. Philip Corke. c.1985 - c.2000
At ease IC048 / 030Hadrians Wall. Reconstruction line drawing of a Roman soldier resting, with shield and pilum. Location based on Black Carts Turret (29a). Attributed to Philip Corke. c.1985 - c.2000. hadrian
Border post IC048 / 028Hadrians Wall. Reconstruction line drawing of a traveller and his horse being assessed by Roman soldiers on the southern side of Knag Burn Gateway
On patrol IC048 / 027Hadrians Wall. Reconstruction line drawing of Roman soldiers mounted on horseback. Location based on Grindon Milecastle. Attributed to Philip Corke. c.1985 - c.2000. hadrian
Watching the frontier IC048 / 025Hadrians Wall. Reconstruction line drawing of soldiers keeping watch. Based on Denton Hall Turret (7b) in Newcastle upon Tyne. Attributed to Philip Corke. c.1985 - c.2000. hadrian
Frontier negotiation IC048 / 016Hadrians Wall. Reconstruction line drawing of soldiers at a gateway. Based on Poltross Burn Milecastle. Attributed to Philip Corke. c.1985 - c.2000. hadrian
Quarrying stone IC048 / 065Hadrians Wall. Reconstruction line drawing of soldiers quarrying for stone. Location based on Walltown Craggs Turret. Drawn by Philip Corke. hadrian
Building Hadrians Wall IC048_066Hadrians Wall. Reconstruction line drawing of soldiers working to build a turret on the Roman wall, in about 122AD. Based on Willowford East Turret (48a). Philip Corke. c.1985 - c.2000. hadrian
Roman altar stone IC048 / 094Hadrians Wall, Chesters Museum
Legionary emblem IC048 / 095Hadrians Wall. Illustration depicting a carved plaque found at Benwell Roman Fort
Roman altar IC048 / 105Hadrians Wall, Chesters Museum
The bath house at Wroxeter Roman City J980155WROXETER ROMAN CITY, Shropshire. Cutaway reconstruction drawing of bath house architecture by Ivan LAPPER
The bath house at Wroxeter Roman City J900037WROXETER ROMAN CITY, Shropshire. Reconstruction drawing of bath house architecture by Ivan LAPPER
Richborough Roman Fort N980004RICHBOROUGH ROMAN FORT, Kent. Aerial reconstruction of town, port and monument by Ivan Lapper
The Roman Occupation J940333TINTAGEL CASTLE, Cornwall. " The Roman Occupation" Reconstruction drawing by Ivan Lapper
Housesteads Roman Fort J000119HADRIANs WALL: HOUSESTEADS ROMAN FORT (VERCOVICIUM), Northumberland. Reconstruction drawing of the granaries in later 2nd century AD by Philip Corke
Housesteads Roman Fort J000117HADRIANs WALL: HOUSESTEADS ROMAN FORT (VERCOVICIUM), Northumberland. Reconstruction drawing of the North Gate in the 2nd century AD by Philip Corke
Housesteads Roman Fort J000116HADRIANs WALL: HOUSESTEADS ROMAN FORT (VERCOVICIUM), Northumberland. Reconstruction drawing of Barrack XIII in the 2nd century AD by Philip Corke
Wroxeter Roman City J900039WROXETER ROMAN CITY, Shropshire. Reconstruction drawing of interior of exercise hall or basilica by Ivan Lapper
Roman man and woman J030115OLD SARUM, Wiltshire. Reconstruction drawing by Peter Dunn (English Heritage Graphics Team) of a Roman man and woman
Lullingstone Roman Villa J000133LULLINGSTONE ROMAN VILLA, Kent. Cutaway reconstruction drawing of the baths c.380 AD by Peter Dunn (English Heritage Graphics Team)
Wroxeter Roman City J980153WROXETER ROMAN CITY, Shropshire. Aerial view reconstuction drawing of the baths in the 2nd century AD by Ivan Lapper
Wall Roman Site J850135WALL ROMAN SITE (LETOCETUM), Staffordshire. Aerial reconstruction drawing by Claire Thorne of the Bath House and Hostel
Roman soldiers in battle with Celtic tribes J870477MAIDEN CASTLE, Dorset. Reconstruction drawing by Paul Birkbeck of Roman soldiers in battle with Celtic tribes at Maiden Castle