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64 Framed Prints
The Last Supper N070565APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Last Supper" c.1505, workshop of Juan de FLANDES (fl. 1496-1519) WM 1603-1948
Elsheimer - Judith Slaying Holofernes J050009APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Judith Slaying Holofernes " by Adam ELSHEIMER (1578-1610)
Dyce - Neptune resigning the Empire... J980146OSBORNE HOUSE, Isle of Wight. " Neptune resigning the Empire of the Seas to Britannia " 1847. Fresco by William Dyce (1806-64)
Kauffmann - Rinaldo & Armida J980112KENWOOD HOUSE, London. " Rinaldo & Armida" By KAUFFMANN, Angelica (1741-1807)
Mengs - Infant Christ and St Anthony of Padua K080008APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Infant Christ Appearing to St Anthony of Padua" by Anton Raphael MENGS (1728-79). After treatment. WM 1598-1948
Chiswick House, Red Velvet Room ceiling J970259CHISWICK HOUSE, London. Interior. View of the ceiling in the Red Velvet Room
The Five Wounds EMM01 / 01 / 047Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucestershire. Watercolour, by Elsie Matley Moore, of a stained glass window dating from c.1344 in Tewkesbury Abbey, showing Christ displaying the Five Wounds
Kent - Mecury and the Arts J920275CHISWICK HOUSE, London. " Mercury and the Arts" c.1729 by William KENT (1685-1748)
Bloemaert - The Prodigal Son as a Swineherd J920102CHISWICK HOUSE, SUFFOLK COLLECTION, London. " The Prodigal Son as a Swineherd" 1637 by Abraham BLOEMAERT (1564-1651)
Magi EMM01 / 01 / 044All Saints Church, Langport, Somerset. Watercolour by Elsie Matley Moore of a stained glass window in All Saints Church, depicting a Magi. 1942
Leda and the Swan K040886BRODSWORTH HALL, South Yorkshire. " Leda and the Swan" attributed to Michele ROCCA
Hercules and the Nemean Lion N090615APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Hercules and the Nemean Lion" after RUBENS. WM 1608-1948. After treatment
Orpheus enchanting the animals N070546APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Orpheus enchanting the animals" by Venetian School, possibly Alessandro Varotari, Il PADOVANINO (1588-1648). Previously from the Spanish Royal Collection
Correggio - The Agony in the Garden K040846APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Agony in the Garden " by Antonio Allegri, called CORREGGIO (c1494-1534)
Magi EMM01 / 01 / 029St Tysilios Church, Sellack, Herefordshire. Watercolour, by Elsie Matley Moore, of a stained glass window in St Tysilios Church, depicting one of the Magi
Crucifixion EMM01 / 01 / 046St Mary The Virgins Church, Westwood, Wiltshire. Two joined watercolours, by Elsie Matley Moore, covering the upper and lower part of a stained glass window showing a Crucifixion scene
The tempting serpent EMM01 / 01 / 042Wells Cathedral, Somerset. Watercolour, by Elsie Matley Moore, of a 14th century stained glass window at Wells Cathedral, depicting the tempting serpent
Crucifixion EMM01 / 01 / 025Watercolour by Elsie Matley Moore of an unidentified stained glass window depicting the Crucifixion. 1940-1945
Seiter - The Judgement of Paris J920305CHISWICK HOUSE, London. The Judgement of Paris by Daniel SEITER (1649-1705)
Panini - St Paul preaching at Athens N070481APSLEY HOUSE, London. " St Paul preaching at Athens" 1737 by Giovanni Paolo PANINI (1691-1765). WM 1505-1948. Pannini
Panini - St Paul at Malta, grasping the viper N070479APSLEY HOUSE, London. " St Paul at Malta, grasping the viper" 1735 by Giovanni Paolo PANINI (1691-1765). WM 1502-1948. Pannini
Huysum - The Rape of Prosperina N070469APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Rape of Prosperina" by Jan Van HUYSUM (1682-1749). Pluto drags her onto his chariot. WM 1492-1948
Salvi - Virgin and child with St Elizabeth &... St John N070567APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Virgin and child with St Elizabeth and the Infant St John" by Giovanni Batista SALVI (1609-1685). Spanish Royal Collection. Captured at Vitoria, 1813
Poelenburgh - Angels guiding Shepherds to the Nativity N070552APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Angels guiding the Shepherds to the Nativity" by Cornelis Van POELENBURGH (1595-1667). Spanish Royal Collection. Captured at Vitoria, 1813. WM 1588-1948
The Holy Family with the infant St John N070577APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Holy Family with the infant St John" by follower of Bernandino LUINI. Spanish Royal Collection. Captured at Vitoria, 1813. WM 1621-1948
Ribera - St James the Great N070576APSLEY HOUSE, London. " St James the Great" by Jusepe de RIBERA, Lo Spagnoletto (1591-1652). Spanish Royal Collection. Captured at Vitoria 1813. WM 1619-1948
Cignani - Venus and Adonis N070571APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Venus and Adonis" by Carlo CIGNANI (1628-1719). From Spanish Royal Collection. Captured by the Duke of Wellington at Vitoria 1813. WM 1612-1948
The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine N070568APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine" by a follower of Giueseppe CESARI, Il Cavaliere D ARPINO. Spanish Royal Collection. Captured at Vitoria 1813. WM 1607-1948
Giordano - Samson and Delilah N070587APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Samson and Delilah" by Luca GIORDANO (1634-1705). From the Spanish Royal Collection. WM 1631-1948. Captured by Wellington at Vitoria, 1813
Venus and Cupid K040872BRODSWORTH HALL, South Yorkshire. " Venus and Cupid" after Francois BOUCHER
Mengs - The Holy Family with the infant St John N070660APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Holy Family with the infant St John" 1765 by Anton Raphael MENGS (1728-1779). Spanish Royal Collection. Captured at Vitoria 1813. WM 1592-1948
Hercules Wrestling with Achelous in the form of a Bull N090613APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Hercules Wrestling with Achelous in the form of a Bull" after RUBENS. WM 1597-1948. After treatment
Liberality and Modesty J970157CHISWICK HOUSE, London. " Liberality and Modesty" by Guido RENI (1575-1642 School of). Italian School / Bologna
Van Dyck - St Rosalia N070657APSLEY HOUSE, London. " St Rosalia Crowned with Roses by Two Angels" by Sir Anthony van DYCK (1599-1641). WM 1651-1948. From Spanish Royal Collection. Captured at Vitoria 1813
D Arpino - The Expulsion from Paradise N070589APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Expulsion from Paradise" by Giuseppe Cesari, Il Cavaliere D ARPINO (1568-1640). WM 1633-1948. Spanish Royal Collection, captured at Vitoria 1813
Ribera - St. John The Baptist N070582APSLEY HOUSE, London. " St. John The Baptist" 1650 by Jusepe de RIBERA, Lo Spangoletto (1591-1652). WM 1627-1948. Spanish Royal Collection, captured at Vitoria 1813
Poelenburgh - The Crucifixion N070569APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Crucifixion with the Fall of the Rebel Angels" by Cornelius van POELENBURGH (1595-1667). WM 1610-1948. Spanish Royal Collection, captured at Vitoria 1813
Madonna and Child J990106ELTHAM PALACE, London. " Madonna and Child " after DOLCI Carlo (1616-86)
Madonna and Child... J950130CHISWICK HOUSE, London. Madonna and Child with Saints Stephen, Jerome and Maurice after TITIAN (c1485-1576)
Virgin and Child N070578APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Virgin and Child" - Italian school c.1600. Doubtfully attributed to Lavinia Fontana (1552-1602). Previously part of the Spanish Royal Collection
Virgin and Child N070575APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Virgin and Child"
Vaccaro - The Adoration of the Magi J920067CHISWICK HOUSE, London. " The Adoration of the Magi ". Andrea VACCARO (c.1598-1670). Christmas scene
Reynolds - Venus Childing Cupid J910496KENWOOD HOUSE, THE IVEAGH BEQUEST, London. " Venus Chiding Cupid for Learning to Cast Accounts" 1771 by REYNOLDS Sir Joshua (1723-92)
The Last Supper EMM01 / 01 / 057St Marys Church, Madley, Herefordshire
Massacre of the Innocents EMM01 / 01 / 019St Michael and All Angels Church, Ledbury, Herefordshire. Watercolour by Elsie Matley Moore of a stained glass window depicting the Massacre of the Innocents, in St Michael and All Angels Church
St Mary of Egypt EMM01 / 01 / 002St Giles Church, Bredon, Worcestershire. Watercolour by Elsie Matley Moore of a stained glass window depicting St Mary of Egypt in St Giless Church. 1940-1943
Kauffman - The Disarming of Cupid J910566KENWOOD HOUSE, THE IVEAGH BEQUEST, London. " The Disarming of Cupid". Angelica KAUFFMAN R.A. (1741-1807)
Peyron - Athenian Girls Drawing Lots... N072077APSLEY HOUSE, London. Athenian Girls Drawing Lots to Determine Which Seven Among Them Shall be Sent to Crete for Sacrifice to the Minotaur by Jean Francois-Pierre PEYRON (1744-1814). WM 1625-1948
Guercino - Mars as a Warrior N070484APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Mars as a Warrior" 1630 by Giovanni Francesco BARBIERI, or GUERCINO (1591-1666). WM 1508-1948
The Holy Familly with St Elizabeth and St John N070550APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Holy Familly with St Elizabeth and St John". Good 17th century copy of Rubens, possibly by Brueghel. Spanish Royal Collection. Captured at Vitoria, 1813
Trevisani - The Virgin and Child with St Carlo Borromeo N070580APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Virgin and Child with St Carlo Borromeo" ascribed to Francesco Trevisani (1656-1746). Spanish Royal Collection. Captured at Vitoria 1813. WM 1624-1948
Mazzola - The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine N070563APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine" by Francesco MAZZOLA (1503-40), known as Il Parmigianino. Spanish Royal Collection. Captured at Vitoria 1813. WM 1601-1948
Reni - Head of St Joseph N070489APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Head of St Joseph" by Guido RENI (1575-1642) WM 1513-1948. Spanish Royal Collection. Presented at Segovia 1812
Guercino - Venus and Cupid N070487APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Venus and Cupid" 1630 by Giovanni Francesco BARBIERI, or GUERCINO (1591-1666). WM 1511-1948
Giordano - Hagar and Ishmael in the desert N070594APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Hagar and Ishmael in the desert" by Luca GIORDANO (1634-1705). From the Spanish Royal Collection. WM 1638-1948. Captured by Wellington at Vitoria, 1813
Isaac blessing Jacob N070658APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Isaac blessing Jacob" probably by Bartolome Esteban MURILLO (1617-82). WM 1652-1948. Provisionally Spanish Royal Collection, captured at Vitoria 1813
Thornhill - Venus and Adonis J920264ELTHAM PALACE, London. " Venus and Adonis" c.1705 by Sir James THORNHILL (1675-1734). Oil on canvas
Hill Hall, Cupid and Psyche mural K990078HILL HALL, Essex. The " Cupid and Psyche" mural after conservation. Detail from the east wall section
Ibbetson - Winged Cherubs K030587KENWOOD HOUSE, London. " Winged Cherubs with Musical Instruments". Section of Music Room decorative border by Julius Caesar IBBETSON (1759-1817)
Brueghel - Entering the Ark N070593APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Entering the Ark" 1615 by Jan BRUEGHEL the Elder (1568-1625). From Spanish Royal Collection. Captured by the Duke of Wellington at Vitoria 1813. WM 1637-1948
Venusti - The Annunciation N070573APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Annunciation" by Marcello VENUSTI (1512-79). WM 1616-1948. Provisionally Spanish Royal Collection. Captured at Vitoria 1813
Coffermans - The Virgin and Angel of the Annunciation N070655APSLEY HOUSE, London. " The Virgin and Angel of the Annunciation" (wings of triptych) by Marcellus COFFERMANS (1549-78). WM 1649-1948
Return of the Prodigal Son J990107ELTHAM PALACE, London. " Return of the Prodigal Son" by anonymous artist. British School c. 1720s. Post restoration
Salvi - Virgin and Child N070572APSLEY HOUSE, London. " Virgin and Child" by Giovanni Batista SALVI (aka Sassoferrato 1609-85). Previously part of the Spanish Royal Collection. Captured by Wellington at Vitoria in 1813